
Joint replacement surgery whether it's the shoulders, hips, or knees, is considered a major surgery. After our bodies have had surgery it'S no secret that rest and nutrition are vitally important for our bodies to regain the strength and stamina it needs to start repairing itself. Nutrition I have found over the years with most people gets neglected at times and only retards the healing process.
Without the proper nutrition our bodies are not given the proper fuel to repair itself. There are numerous processes going on within the body both day and night attempting to heal itself and, if you come up short in any one area of your nutrition, the process is slowed down leaving you feeling lethargic and wondering if the healing process will ever end. kostenlos

Also important to know is after having a joint replacement, this is not the time to decide to lose weight or consider a diet. Your body right now will need all the good calories it can get to help in the repair process. The following nutrients will be needed each meal to ensure optimal nutrition.
1. Protein. You can get your protein sources through a number of different foods. Milk, cheese, yogurt, assorted cuts of beef. and eggs. There are multiple protein powders out on the market as well that can be mixed in water or low fat or fat free milk that will give you the needed requirements to assist in healing the surgical site. I find many of my patients are not taking in the amount of protein they could use to speed up recovery and for that matter strengthen the body as a whole. Your protein requirements will be different depending on your body weight etc.. check with your doctor though the numbers they will give you will be minimal at best, many in the medical community still follow old RDA requirements.
2. Carbohydrates. There are different type of carbohydrates out there and they get a bad rap by the general media. Carbohydrates are needed for fueling the body in general. Eating your share is important so that the body does not run low on glucose and resorts to muscle looking for fuel sources. The body will begin stripping muscle for fuel using its protein source. Carbohydrates like pasta, vegetables, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, are just one of many types that are out there. Eating the slowing burning carbohydrate sources like those listed above are utilized by the body more efficiently as they do not raise the blood sugars quickly. vergleiche

3. Fats. There are good fats out there to consume as well as bad. Almonds and other types of nuts make a great source. Fish also has the good types of fat as well along with getting a solid punch of protein thrown in. Our bodies need the fat sources to help with hormone regulation as many other duties it performs.
The above information even as simplistic as it is is something that is found missing in many patients diets that are recovery from major orthopedic surgery. It is important to watch your appetite as well as it will slow down after surgery to the point you will have to force yourself to take in calories to keep up with your bodies demands. Check with your doctor and registered dietician for further detail in regards to number of calories and the percentages they may recommend you consume after your surgery. Consuming enough water also becomes an issue with patients as many risk dehydration. The muscles which contain high amounts of water need the fluids to keep functioning properly and maintain their strength. Copious amounts of water also are needed for the proper execution of the medicines that are taken during recovery. erfahrungen

So understand that by giving your body the proper fuel it needs to repair itself you will see gains in strength and quicker healing if its given the the proper nutrients.
Richard is a Physical Therapist Assistant and Certified Personal Trainer with the American Council on Exercise. He has been a PTA since 1995 working extensively in home health with orthopedic patients and deconditioned older
